Sunoptics SUN R2020 FLAT TGZ 50CC2 800MD BZ 2-Feet by 2-Feet Triple Glazed Fixed Curb-Mounted Prismatic Flat Skylight, Bronze

- List Price: $129.00
Product Description
The Sun optics Prismatic 26-5/8 in. x 26-5/8 in. Flat Fixed Skylight is an energy efficient way to properly illuminate the interior of your home. Sun optics prismatic designs provide up to 50 percent more light than traditional white bubble skylights while also providing 100 percent diffusion to eliminate hot spots while providing glare-free natural light for more hours per day. The superior frame provides moisture protection redundancy and a fully insulated thermal break that encapsulates the underside of the frame to greatly reduce condensation concerns. Add value and visual comfort to your home by utilizing high performance prismatic skylights from Sun optics.